Tuesday, May 19, 2009

making it our happily ever after

so now that he's rejoining your life and your routine and everything that he's missed out on during the deployment, here's comes another challenge. making he's transition, his reintegration as smooth as possible though it won't be that picture you painted in your head. however, you can make life as happily as ever after.

i won't lie, reintegration was hard and 5 months later is still hard. i catch myself reminding myself that hubby has only been a dad for 5 months and been a husband at home for 12 months. he has no clue what he's doing half the time, but he tries (he reads my parent magazines and researches online). the biggest thing to remember is that when the argument is over, say 'i love you.' and fight fair; he went through some crazy hard tough over there, but you also went through your own crazy hard time back here. there is no way to compare those two experiences, both were awful and neither can say 'my experience was worse.' so, don't even bring it up. when you do find yourselves at a tough spot, step back, take a breath or ten and calm down, hash it out and move forward.

as far as life as a family again, take it one moment at a time. and throw out that picture perfect idea you have in your head. you're going to miss all the special little moments if you keep waiting for that picture perfect moment. give your husband and children time. they've been through a tough separation and in their own time, we'll be best buddies again. and yes, it stinks because you'll still be pulling double duty, but in the long run if you keep your big girl panties on and work through it, you'll get your happily ever after.

and one more thing, as hard as it will be, try not to countdown to the end of dwell time. you will only drive yourself crazy and miss out on the time you have together if you're already worrying about the next set of orders. enjoy the here and now.
aaron's wifey
2 deployments

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